Total Saddle Fit Sunday Video: Stay Cool
Temperatures keep on climbing and horses all over Horse Nation are finding new ways to stay cool — like this pony.
Horse owners often get pretty creative when it comes to keeping their horses comfortable when it seems like the elements are stacked against us. When it’s hot out, horse owners have turned to everything from keeping horses in to turning them out in the shade to taking them swimming to setting up fans.
According to the video description, this pony’s owners found him all set up on his own with a conveniently-placed industrial fan. Way to go, Petey.
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We should all strive to be more like Petey: industrious, creative and unafraid to skimp on self-care. Go riding!
The Shoulder Relief Cinch by Total Saddle Fit, the only cinch that improves saddle fit and shoulder freedom. Learn more at totalsaddlefit.com.
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