Photo Challenge: Happy Lesson Horse Day
On International Lesson Horse Day, we’re celebrating our teaching partners past and present! Here are three reader-submitted lesson horses we love.
It’s easy to forget, when watching video of or reading articles about the great riders of this world, that we all started the same way: throwing our leg over the back of a patient schoolmaster, whether it was down the road at the local lesson barn or on Grandpa’s old trail horse that lived in the backyard. All of us, somewhere along the line, owe our love for horses and this entire world to a lesson horse. We’re honoring lesson horses all day long today, including through this week’s photo challenge!

Michelle Wilson: Lost this sweet pony in November at almost 30 years of age (she was 6 when we bought her), “Sugar N’ Spice (aka Missy) taught 100’s of children how to ride over the years including the children of children she has taught years before 🙂 Miss her everyday, one of the best! (Photo credit Marissa Elizabeth)
Keep an eye out for next week’s 24-hour photo challenge! We announce challenge subjects on Monday afternoon on both Instagram and Facebook.
Go riding!
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