Thursday Video: ‘Jump Off’ Preview
What’s one way to raise awareness about Thoroughbred aftercare? Create a TV series about it! Check out the trailer for Australia’s show Jump Off here.
Hardworking organizations such as CANTER, New Vocations and the Retired Racehorse Project have done great work in recent years to help spotlight the need for aftercare for Thoroughbred racehorses. It takes a wide-reaching net to make a real difference, and between partnerships with industry leaders, post-track competitions and social media campaigning, the OTTB is again experiencing popularity as more American riders remember the Thoroughbred’s athleticism and versatility.
In Australia, there’s a new tactic to help spotlight the post-racing Thoroughbred: Jump-Off. In this reality TV series/competition, several of Australia’s top racehorse trainers are paired with the nation’s top show jumpers to take horses off the track and into the jumping arena. The grand final will take place on June 2 at Boneo Park and televised live.
Equine TV Series – coming soon!
Off The Track'Jump Off' is an exciting new (horsey) reality television series! Follow five teams, featuring some of Australia’s leading racehorse trainers, as they pair up with elite show jumping riders to re-train ex-racehorses to become show jumpers. Coming soon to ch. 7 đŸ™‚ Check out the promo!*Edited to add – Overseas viewers should be able to watch this online via https://7plus.com.au/.#equinewelfare #lifeafterracing #ottbs #offthetrack
Posted by Equine Welfare – Australia on Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Looks exciting! We hope this series does good work to highlight the Thoroughbred’s trainability and show the good people of Australia both the need for post-track careers and the OTTB’s unique gifts he can give to the riding world. Learn more about Jump-Off via Facebook.
Go riding!
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