World Equestrian Brands Helmet Cam
What better way to spend Christmas Eve day than by thundering around the countryside with the Atherstone Hunt?
Riding with a hunt isn’t so much about chasing a fox as it is getting one’s horse out for a great day of cross-country riding in company; for most fox hunters the sport is about the thrill of the ride, not the actual hunt — and in most places, hunting live fox is illegal anyway.
Truly, fox hunting is about the riding and camaraderie — which is what’s illustrated in today’s Helmet Cam with footage from the Atherstone Hunt’s Christmas Eve hunt. Saddle up for this most traditional sport that still thrives today — we particularly love the crowd of public bystanders watching the hunt depart, likely enchanted by the pageantry of the sport and the sensation that one has slipped back a hundred years or more.
The Atherstone Hunt rides across Warwickshire, Leicestershire and Staffordshire in the United Kingdom. This hunt was founded in the early 19th century, so it’s truly a ride with history to go out with Atherstone.
Go riding!
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