Happy December 1: We Made It Through Another #NoStirrupNovember!
Pat yourselves on the back, Horse Nation — December 1 never looked so good, and by “good” we mean strong, with a well-developed leg, independent seat and core of steel.
No-Stirrup November has its critics, and we understand why. Without a good game plan and just a desire to yank the stirrups off the saddle, it’s easy to get into trouble, from a sore-backed horse to a bad experience to even falling off (not that we don’t fall off all the time anyway, but you know what we mean).
But when you do No-Stirrup November right, the rewards can be truly amazing. Check out some of the social media highlights from the conclusion of #NoStirrupNovember, from the new heights we reached…
…to even the youngest among us learning the benefits:
There were some moments of self-doubt:
My 9yo dressage student decided on her last day of #NoStirrupNovember that it was no longer fun. Lol #LeaveYourStirrupsInTheBarn
— ★☆Nicole Griffin★☆ (@TruTXAngel) November 26, 2017
I've been ruined by #nostirrupnovember ????
— Claudia McDougall (@cj_mcdougall) November 20, 2017
Last ride of #nostirrupNovember and I’m thanking god that November is over:)
— Anna☁️ (@draft_horse_gil) November 30, 2017
But for most of us, those crossed leathers were a badge of honor that we wore proudly…
…except for those of us who took them off completely.
We made it another year — we’re another year stronger, wiser, and more ready than ever to be the best riders our horses deserve.
Enjoy those stirrups… and go riding!
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