Photo Challenge: 46 Postcard-Worthy Equine Cloudscapes
This is one photo challenge subject we could see ourselves holding over… and over… and over again. Check out these jaw-dropper gorgeous shots courtesy of our readers!
Blue skies are great… but true beauty can’t be found without at least a little bit of cloud. There’s probably a good metaphor in there for horse life and life in general, but we’ll leave that open to your interpretation.
In the meantime: check out these incredible photos submitted by readers!

Margaret Wilson: I took this photo of the clouds then noticed my horse Oliver standing in the foreground.

Atlas (OTTB) enjoys long walks across the pasture and sunlit grass tuffs of deliciousness
Photo credit: Audrey Anderson

Lisa Clatworthy: First ride back after car accident in June. Love my boy. Photo credit my daughter Meighan Clatworthy

A crazy windstorm blew in when I went out to see the horses, so here they are bolting to the shelter! Photo by Meredith Conrad

Descending one of the many cinder cones of the San Francisco Volcanic Field, Flagstaff, Arizona. Photo by Mary Williams
Keep an eye out for next week’s 24-hour photo challenge! We announce challenge subjects on Monday afternoon on both Instagram and Facebook.
Go riding!
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