World Equestrian Brands: The Perfect Ride
What’s YOUR idea of a perfect ride?
We realize for every reader, the concept of the “perfect ride” is going to be different. For some, it’s the incomparable thrill of galloping a horse cross-country, or perhaps to hounds; for others, it’s true connection in a moment during a dressage test or school. For many, it’s simply spending time with your horse.
This video fits my idea of the perfect ride: jaw-droppingly gorgeous scenery, a surefooted and brave horse who knows how to lay his feet, time spent with a good riding friend — and comfortable silence, the kind of quiet between friends and horses in which we know everyone is happy, everyone is having a great time and words simply aren’t necessary, or perhaps even up to the task.
✔ AMAZING HORSE TRIP – Magnifique paysage pour une ballade !╰▶ ORIGINAL VIDEO PAGE ® Copyright The Wonderful Journeys of Sera the horse and her friendshttps://www.facebook.com/SerasJourney/
Posted by Passion Equestre on Thursday, November 16, 2017
Naturally, the heights and switch-back trail might be very low on the list for qualifications for the perfect ride for many riders, but to each his own.
Go riding!
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