Thursday Video: Barn Cleaning Level = Expert
This, my friends, is the future.
If you’re like me, you were slightly bored by the “hoverboard” craze when it swept across the country the first time, rolling your eyes at individuals who had mastered these self-balancing scooters (but admittedly, laughing until you cried a little at videos of people who hadn’t mastered them at all). Then came the revelation that a lot of hoverboards were bursting into flames without warning, which maybe piqued your interest a little bit more.
But again, if you’re like me, show me a barn application for a fad/toy/social phenom and I’m there. I present to you the best possible use for a hoverboard: expediting the barn cleaning process. This guy takes barn management to expert level:
Caption this ????????????"Stall cleaning skills"Instagram: @diegoagg
Posted by Horseaddict on Monday, December 26, 2016
We’re going to assume he’s figured out a way to prevent spontaneous combustion and give this guy the benefit of the doubt.
Finally! A hoverboard becoming a viral sensation not for people falling off, but for people taking it to a whole new level. Go riding.
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