This Super-Dramatic Trainer Video Still a Better Love Story Than ‘Twilight’
We keep waiting for the dramatic voice-over or the “coming soon to a theater near you” but to no avail.
We’ll freely admit that this video is still a better love story than Twilight… but that we actually have no idea what is going on.
There is a majestic steed and a lovely lady.
There is windswept hair.
There are coy glances.
There are lots of airs above the ground.
And I dunno about you, but this is definitely how I herd my goats.
Buckle up for the most dramatic three and a half minutes of your day and let yourself be transported to this… romance? Drama? Romantic drama? We’re not sure, but we think we love it. We could Mystery Science Theater this bad boy or just let it ride. (Volume up for the maximum effect of the music.)
I kept waiting for a knight in shining armor type of figure to come thundering in, but maybe that’s the point — maybe Clémence Faivre is trying to show us that we don’t need a man in our lives if we’ve got horses like these. (Also, we’d imagine that with horses like these in your life you don’t have any time for a S.O. anyway.)
Clémence Faivre is a self-described equestrian artist and alchemist — and we think that’s the perfect word to describe the kind of magic she clearly invokes around her horses. She and her steeds travel the world to both perform and teach master classes, and Faivre also breeds her own beautiful Lusitanos in Spain. Learn more at her website.
Go Clémence. Go riding.
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