9 #EquestrianProblems According to Twitter
Because brevity will always be the soul of wit.
I realize that a common complaint with Twitter is that people “just don’t get it” but you don’t need to have a Twitter account to appreciate these tweets: the forced brevity that comes with only having 140 characters to express yourself is funny no matter if you know how Twitter works or are totally mystified trying to figure out why it even exists. This is why it exists: so we can express our #equestrianproblems.
I used the hose at the barn after someone who had been using Thrush-X, and now I smell Thrush-X wherever I go. #equestrianproblems
— Leslie (@LeslieInLex) July 20, 2017
Hope the car service place isn't concerned when they see my crop in the trunk???? #equestrianproblems
— kim fiedler (@kimfiedler28) July 21, 2017
My nail guy is salty with me bc I have hoof black on my nail and it won't come off. #equestrianproblems
— Hannah ♡ (@hhannahstanleyy) July 27, 2017
Farrier replaces lost shoe on friend's horse. Farrier leaves. Own horse pulls shoe. Farrier can't come back for 3 days ???? #equestrianproblems
— KJ (@eventer007) July 29, 2017
So much hay just fell out of my bra I could feed a pony. ????#equestrianproblems
— ShannonM (@equinehearts) July 29, 2017
Watching shows in Europe from America is the #1 cause of me forgetting what day it is. #equestrianproblems
— Emily Logan (@STSporthorses) August 3, 2017
Bad times when your phone starts autocorrecting but to Bute ???????? #equestrianproblems
— Laura Barber (@lac_88) August 10, 2017
#WhyImPoorIn4Words I own a horse ???? #equestrianproblems
— Jul (@JulKime) August 10, 2017
Why do horses go from 10-lame in 0.0001 seconds? Asking for a friend ???? #equestrianproblems
— Tara (@taramariescott) August 18, 2017
Oh yes, we’ve all been there. Got a funny tweet to share? Follow us at @horse_nation!
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