World Equestrian Brands Helmet Cam: Mini Driving on the Trans-Canada Trail
Ride along with mini driver (and Horse Nation reader!) Rachel Eldred as she takes us on a narrated, guided tour of part of the Trans-Canada Trail!
Let me tell you what — if I had a trail system like this running near my barn, you would all never see me or hear from me again, because I’d be out there wandering the woods with my riding and driving horses every day until the sun went down.
Most helmet cam videos are a bit of a slap-dash affair — we hang on tight and gallop a cross-country course or thunder down a beach. Today’s featured video is a lovely breath of fresh air, as HN reader and excellent mini driver Rachel Eldred takes us on a guided tour of a lovely section of Trans-Canada Trail.
Ride along with miniatures Tony and Cherry as Rachel kindly narrates her drive to share the Trans-Canada Trail with all of us:
The Trans-Canada Trail, now also known as The Great Trail, is the longest recreational trail in the world and when it’s fully connected, it will stretch 24,000 km (about 21,000 km are completed as of 2016). Parts of the trail are repurposed railroads while others are community trails doing double-duty as part of this larger network.
Thanks for the tour, Rachel! And go driving.
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