‘Horsing’ App Now Funding on Kickstarter
In January, we introduced you to a new app in development called ‘Horsing.’ We’re pleased to share that the app is now funding on Kickstarter!
Have you ever struggled to reproduce the great work you achieved in a lesson when you were riding on your own? Do you feel like your riding sessions lack structure or the occasional helpful reminder from your coach? There’s an app for that — or at least one in production.
We introduced the Horsing app in January, and now report that the app has reached the next stage of production: crowdfunding via Kickstarter. Click here to visit the Kickstarter page.
The Horsing app, for readers new to the story, allows coaches and riders to build a training program and shape individual riding sessions for when the rider is working independently. Sessions include a warm up, working and cool-down phase, and the app can be as complex as individualized recorded instruction or simple, helpful reminders (“keep your heels down”). The app is not geared towards any specific discipline, giving it universal appeal.
The Horsing development team hopes to raise $38,209 by March 17, and the figure must be funded in entirety. Donating via Kickstarter gives the donor access to some pretty sweet perks, including subscriptions to Horsing, bone conducting earphones for use under your riding helmet, and even WEG tickets for top-tier backers!
The Horsing team hopes to have the app available for purchase and use by July of 2017. Stay with Horse Nation for more updates!
Go riding.
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