SmartPak Monday Morning Feed: Ask the Vet, November Edition
Okay, so November doesn’t start until tomorrow, but it’s never too early to learn more about horse health! Watch SmartPaker Sarah and SmartPak staff veterinarian Dr. Lydia Gray answer your burning horse health questions.
Ever had a horse health question that your friends at the barn can’t answer? Curious about a horse health subject and your own veterinarian’s not available to answer? Fear not, because SmartPak’s “Ask the Vet” series is back for another month with more fan-submitted questions for SmartPaker Sarah and staff veterinarian and medical director Dr. Lydia Gray.
Here are the questions answered in the November edition:
1. What is the fungus horses get on the front of their cannon bones on their back legs, and how can I get rid of it?
2. What’s the best way to control/remove bot eggs from your horse?
3. What is your most recommended joint supplement? And would you recommend an all-in-one supplement for a horse that needs joint support?
4. Any advice on increasing your horse’s fitness level?
5. Are bran mashes beneficial to horses? How often should I feed my horse a bran mash?
Sarah and Dr. Gray have covered a LOT of ground since the Ask the Vet series started — perhaps they’ve answered your question in the past! Click here to open a full playlist of all of the Ask the Vet videos.
If you have your own question for SmartPaker Sarah and Dr. Lydia Gray that hasn’t already been answered, you can submit your question with the #askthevetvideo hashtag in the comments section on YouTube. You can also ask your questions on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or the SmartPak blog (where you can read all of Dr. Lydia Gray’s Ask the Vet articles) — don’t forget the hashtag!
Don’t forget the bonus — if your question is selected for the next video, you get a SmartPak gift card!
Go SmartPak! Go riding!
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