Photo Challenge: 7 Incredible Manes
From braids to clips to unique coloring, we’re got a roundup of incredible reader-submitted mane photos for you this week!
This week, we wanted to see your unique manes: intricate braiding, jaw-dropping color patterns or fun clip jobs. As usual, our readers responded with an amazing array of photos: here are 7 for your viewing pleasure!
If you’re submitting a photo via Facebook, don’t forget photographer’s credit! We receive lots of amazing entries for our weekly photo challenges that we cannot reprint unless the photographer’s name is posted.

Anita Kennedy: My mare Butters is a Belgian/Haflinger cross with a mane long enough to do a running braid on both sides. Photo by Anita Kennedy.
#horsenation #manbun #go_riding
A photo posted by Jamie Liberg (@squeakssss) on

Jenna Stauder: This is Salty, a pony who used to belong to a student of mine. He had a ridiculously thick mane that was impossible to do anything with, so I had the idea to give him a scalloped sort of roach… His kid did a fantastic job keeping it “shaped”! Photo by Jenna Stauder.
A photo posted by apronbetty (@apronbetty) on
Keep an eye out for next week’s 24-hour photo challenge! We announce challenge subjects on Monday around the middle of the day on both Instagram and Facebook.
Go riding!
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