Photo Challenge: 14 Horses Just Wearing It Wrong
Good try, guys … but that’s just not how you wear that.
Oh, horses: they’re scared of things like the wind and their own shadows, and yet they’re remarkably intelligent when it comes to figuring out ways to wiggle out of certain pieces of tack or accessories. This week, we wanted to see your horses wearing something just plain wrong — and as usual, our readers delivered. If you too have an escape artist, worry not — you’re not alone.

Megan Guntharp: Nick decided he didn’t want to wear his fly mask anymore… too bad it got stuck on his halter. Photo by Megan Guntharp.

Margaret Wilson: A snapshot I took a while back of my horse Oliver in a twisted kind of way. Photo by Margaret Wilson.
Doing it wrong… grew an extra ear! #horsenation A photo posted by Andrea Wookey (@awookey) on

Adrienne Mitchell: I’m always thankful when the hubby volunteers to help around the farm! Denali is a tolerant, gentle soul. Photo by Adrienne Mitchell.
Because only the cool kids wear their fly masks like this. #coolkids #horsenation #flymask #andiemare #horsestagram A photo posted by Sam (@samholco) on

Rachel Dierlam: OTTB “Henry” expresses his feelings on wearing a pink blanket at Rocking Horse HT in 2015. Photo by Rachel Dierlam.
This is how Venlo chose to wear his hat today. #style #horselife #horsenation #goofball #tiaraequine A photo posted by sylvia villegas (@zoophoria) on

Samantha Gregson: She took one ear out and made one new ear hole. That’s how you wear it right? Photo by Samantha Gregson.
Keep an eye out for next week’s 24-hour photo challenge! We announce challenge subjects on Monday around the middle of the day on both Instagram and Facebook.
Go riding!
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