Twitter Tuesday
We understand that Twitter’s not for everyone — it takes a lot of careful control to adequately express yourself in just 140 characters. But when you’re able to pull it off, a well-written tweet is a work of art.
Our Twitter hashtag challenge for the past week was #WorstLessonEver … unsurprisingly, you guys had another round of hilarious well-written little stories to share.
These lessons are pretty not-so-fun:
Thermometer: 90* with 90% humidity.
Trainer: *silently removes stirrups*
Me: *sobs*
Me, 30 mins later: ? #worstlessonever @HORSE_NATION— CenteredintheSaddle (@stay_centered) July 12, 2016
#ottb went for a hack and went through a large puddle. Found out he likes water @HORSE_NATION #WorstLessonEver pic.twitter.com/r4jBblZTfw — Brittany Todd (@BrittanyTodd20) July 12, 2016
But we have to give a special Horse Nation shoutout to this horse and patient rider: we’ve copied the entire conversation, because with an intro like that, we knew we wanted the whole story.
That time someone tied a circus camel to the arena fence and gave it a soapy bath… #WorstLessonEver @HORSE_NATION
— Rachael (@propspony) July 12, 2016
@propspony ….what??? LOL hope there were some photos!! — Horse Nation (@HORSE_NATION) July 12, 2016
@HORSE_NATION ha! When I was a kid I boarded at the local fairgrounds, who often rented the infield out to Circuses. #CamelsEatHorsesYouKnow
— Rachael (@propspony) July 12, 2016
@HORSE_NATION There were two ligers loose at the same time but my mare was so freaked out by the camel, she never saw them. #WrongPriorities — Rachael (@propspony) July 12, 2016
@HORSE_NATION Because, if I’m a large tasty prey animal, the camel is the thing I’m going to be worried about. #HorseLogic #WorstLessonEver
— Rachael (@propspony) July 12, 2016
@HORSE_NATION we had 19 years together and I won almost every argument we ever had with: “Remember when you were more scared of the CAMEL?”
— Rachael (@propspony) July 13, 2016
Best. Story. Ever.
While we realize that’s going to be a tough act to follow, we’re nonetheless setting a brand-new Twitter challenge for this week: tell us your favorite #ActualTrainerQuote to be included in next week’s collection! We’re looking forward to reading your stories.
Tweet to us at @horse_nation, and go riding!
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