Twitter Tuesday
Each Tuesday, we round up our favorite equestrian tweets and introduce a new Twitter challenge hashtag!
We understand that Twitter’s not for everyone — it takes a lot of careful control to adequately express yourself in just 140 characters. But when you’re able to pull it off, a well-written tweet is a work of art.
Sweaty hay in my bra #equestrianproblems
— Vicky (@vicky_crozier) July 5, 2016
Almost left my tall boots, helmet, breeches and gloves in MI. Would’ve been an embarrassing start with the new trainer ? #equestrianproblems — Victoria Elizabeth (@victoriashutz) July 5, 2016
Trying to explain to the man at Meijer: what is a stallion wall and why we are building one ?#equestrianproblems
— Emilie Ehrman (@emilieehrman) July 4, 2016
my face, neck, arms, and the area of my chest exposed by my v-necks are all five shades darker than the rest of me rn ? #equestrianproblems — Anna (@annacoreys) July 2, 2016
When it looks like you got a tan but it’s just dirt #equestrianproblems (also I need to shave) pic.twitter.com/26GYSmFPqu
— Becky (@beckygogol) July 1, 2016
Having a horse you can’t ride is like having a boat that can’t leave the dock. #equestrianproblems #iwantmyboytogetbetter — athompson (@wholovesike) June 30, 2016
I did not wear a sports bra out riding today and I regret everything #equestrianproblems
— Emily (@emilycanteven) June 30, 2016
And now it’s your turn: Tweet your story to us using the hashtag #AndThenIFellOff. We’re pretty sure you can spin a good yarn with that one.
Follow us at @horse_nation and go riding!
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