SmartPak Monday Morning Feed: Ask the Vet, June Edition

New month, new Ask the Vet video! Today, SmartPaker Sarah and Dr. Lydia Gray are answering questions about deworming, hoof abscesses, EHV-1 and more.

SmartPak is always in our corner when it comes to happy and healthy horses, and the “Ask the Vet” video series puts the knowledge of SmartPak staff veterinarian Dr. Lydia Gray at our disposal. In today’s episode, she and SmartPaker Sarah answer fan-submitted questions including the following:

1. What is your advice on worming your horse? I typically worm every 6 months with different pastes, but what do you suggest?

2. My horse had an abscess and I wanted to know, how does an abscess form, how and why does it burst?

3. My vet has recently told me that she thinks one of our horses has neurological EHV-1. I don’t know very much about this, but I was told it could spread. Are my other horses in danger? What can I do for my current horse with this condition? Is euthanasia the best option?

4. How long should you wait to give your horse water after a good workout? Can the water be cold or should it be a moderate temperature?

5. My horse is in all day and then gets turned out during the night. My mother is worried she’s not getting enough Vitamin D. What is something that could help her receive Vitamin D?

Have some of your own questions for Dr. Lydia? Submissions for the July video closed on June 3, but keep an eye out for August submissions. SmartPak gathers submissions using the #askthevetvideo hashtag. You can also ask your questions on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or the SmartPak blog (where you can read all of Dr. Lydia Gray’s Ask the Vet articles) — don’t forget the hashtag!

Don’t forget the bonus — if your question is selected for the next video, you get a SmartPak gift card!

Go SmartPak! Go riding!

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