Let’s Discuss: Breaking a Mule… Backwards?
Have you ever seen an equine get started quite like this?
This video is starting to go viral all over the horsey internet, with just about every reaction imaginable. We thought we’d share it with the readers of Horse Nation and see what you all think.
Aside from the totally obnoxious fact that this video was shot sideways (unfortunately, there’s no way for us to turn it, so bear with us) what do you think about this method? (Must be logged in to Facebook to view.)
Got my mule broke to ride yesterday…now this is a cowboy…I hired him on the spot lol
Posted by Gina Funderburg on Saturday, June 21, 2014
Well, that’s a new one on us. There’s no wild whipping or spurring going on, which we can appreciate, but it’s certainly an… unconventional method, to say the least. The video description states that “this mule got broke today,” so we can only assume that the caption speaks the truth and that this mule had never been backed before.
Weigh in, Horse Nation. What do you think?
Go riding! (Maybe facing forward though… )
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