Fantasy Farm Wednesdays: 350-Acre Training Paradise
Introducing a new regular column on Horse Nation, in which we feature a daydream-worthy equestrian property currently on the market. All we need to say about our first featured property: NINE ARENAS, Y’ALL.
Welcome to one of Horse Nation’s newest regular features, Fantasy Farm Wednesdays! Each week we will be featuring an incredible equestrian property that’s currently on the market for your daydreaming pleasure, and our first sprawling ranch is going to set a high bar. Ramona, California is one of the American West’s best kept equestrian secrets, and there you will find this stunner of a facility, Creek Hollow Ranch.
Unlike many other luxury estates which can often make the equine amenities an afterthought or a component of the property, it’s clear that this baby is actually designed with equine ergonomics in mind. First up:
The Barn Aisle
One of several beautiful but sensible barn aisles on the property, they really got the important stuff right. Rather than a bunch of fussy chandeliers and brass fittings, this barn aisle nailed two genuinely important elements: Lighting and Safety. Having worked in a lot of dark spaces, I know my farrier would absolutely commit murder to trim eight horses in this aisle bathed in California sunshine. Moreover, it has tready level footing for safe transit, sliding doors, and every stall is oversized with adjacent outdoor space.
The Round Pens
There’s not just one or even two, but THREE round pens on-site, each with tall angled fencing and exceptional footing for all the exercise or natural horsemanship your little Parelli heart desires. YES. PLEASE.
The Arenas
Maybe you’re into that whole “two-time-tempis today, team sorting tomorrow” scene, or maybe you envision a multi-disciplinary utopia where cowboys and dressage queens can all intermingle with pride. Either way, with nine arenas suiting the many disciplines and weather conditions, you will never get bored on this property. There are western arenas complete with calf pens, an indoor dressage arena with a full menage, and everything in-between. But if you ever do tire of the incredible variety of sandboxes, you can check out:
The Trails
This property is right up against some of the most beautiful San Diego backcountry you could ever dream of seeing between the ears. If you ever wanted to be John Wayne, Roy Rogers, or the Lone Ranger for a day, (or for forever) you don’t even have to put your trusty steed on a trailer to do some daring off-roading. Are you dying yet? Wait until you see:
The Eurocrusier
A hot-walker on steroids, this beautiful mechanism will safely exercise up to six horses at a time for you on pristine desert-friendly turf.
Creek Hollow Ranch also includes several massive turnouts with shelters, a homestead bunkhouse, two additional living quarters, three wells and 50,000 gallons of water storage (a pretty big deal in the California desert), and two full size mare motels.
When you consider the incredible facilities on the property in pristine condition, the water, and the acreage, Creek Hollow is really a bargain at $4,995,000. And if after reading this you fall in love and buy the place, consider letting Horse Nation come crash your bunkhouse for a week to say ‘thank you’, eh?
Go Riding.
Many thanks to Caren Kelley at Equestrian Real Estate in Del Mar, CA for allowing us to share this fantasy ranch with our readers! You can find out more about Creek Hollow Ranch and other beautiful California horse properties at www.equestrianre.com, as well as on their Facebook Page.
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