There Was A Pony On The Bachelor
And sending him home the first night without a rose was the worst.
I have a confession to make. I watch The Bachelor and The Bachelorette … at least for the first few weeks when everything is crazy and the plot makes me feel better about my rational life choices. When it drags into the doldrums of “real” relationships I tend to lose interest, but until then I get my giggle on.
This week marked the Season 20 premiere of the infamously garish dating show and with it came a contestant I could finally root for. Horse Nation, meet Huey the Pony.
Huey belongs to Maegan, a 30-year-old self professed cowgirl that hails from Weatherford, Texas. Judging by her contestant biography, this girl is basically my sister from another mister.
Which brings us to the biggest mistake ever made on The Bachelor, Maegan and Huey were sent home. How could this be, Ben? He is so darn cute and Maegan’s favorite movie is Secretariat! Judging by this picture, Bachelor Ben was probably just growing tired of Huey stealing the show.
C’est la vie, Huey! Whatever, you’re still the absolute cutest.P.S. There was also a woman in a unicorn mask, because … it’s The Bachelor.
Go Riding.
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