Winterizing Your Horse vs. Winterizing Your Horse in Texas
Here are my tips, because it could get to a chilly 50°F, ammarite Texas?
Rest of the Nation: If your animals require winter blankets, hang them up to air and examine to see if repairs or replacements are needed.
Texas: Your animals probably don’t require winter clothing. Still, they should look fashionable and dressing them makes you feel warmer so refer to instructions above.
Rest of the Nation: Horses require additional calories to generate body heat during cold spells. Know your animals’ needs and stockpile emergency feed to last at least two weeks or longer.
Texas: We have green pastures for grazing well into winter, but who doesn’t deserve to be a little bit plumper through the holidays? Make sure you stockpile plenty of homemade horse treats for those brisk days when temperatures fall 20 degrees or so above freezing.
Rest of the Nation: Free access to water is essential. It takes six times as much eaten snow to generate an equal amount of water and consuming cold substances lowers body heat. Warm water is best, especially for old, young or debilitated animals of all species.
Texas: I’ve found ice in the water troughs a half dozen or so times in my lifetime and I learned the hard way you shouldn’t attempt to kick through thin ice. Now I carry a tiny hammer.
Rest of the Nation: Keep your horse in light exercise during winter, paying special attention to warming up and cooling down.
Texas: This is the best possible time of year to train. You’ll be better off taking a break July through August when temperatures soar to 110°F. On a more serious note, Texans should be careful not to overheat their horses this time of year if they have a full winter coat. Clipping is highly recommended.
Rest of the Nation: Shoeing with snow pads helps clear snow from the bottom of shod hooves and minimizes stumbling over ice balls.
Texas: I, literally, have no idea what an ice ball looks like and I don’t want to know.
Rest of the Nation: During extreme temperature drops, your horse may benefit from being stabled, though special care should be taken to insure proper ventilation.
Texas: Two words … Blue Norther. Forget everything I said above and hunker down for the worst few days of winter you’ve ever experienced.
Go Riding!
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