Thursday Morning Feed from Fleeceworks: Adorable Save
You have to watch this adorable boy and his pony and their great save while running barrels.
There’s nothing like a good, solid run on a barrel pattern. It’s even better when you get an early start, learning the basics at a young age. Eddie McQualter Whyte and his pony, Howie, have quite the partnership going on and are here to show us just how far a little determination can get you.
“Pulls himself back on and then canters home with no hands!” CLICK HDThe determination of this little barrel racer will…
Posted by Wild Colt Productions onĀ Thursday, September 17, 2015
Not only does Eddie pull himself upright when he gets off balance (and Howie patiently waits for him), he regains his confidence by the end of the run and canters on home without reins. “Look ma! No hands!”
If that isn’t a great way to start your Thursday, I’m not sure what is. The moral of the story? When things get a bit patchy, sit up, rebalance and keep kicking for home.
Go Eddie and Howie.
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