Equestrians Anonymous: This Week’s Top 5 From the Forums
We’ll bring you the five best conversations from our forums each week. Check out Equestrians Anonymous and let your voice be heard!
If you haven’t been a regular on Horse Nation’s forum board Equestrians Anonymous, then you’re really missing out. Picture the tack room or the barn aisle at the end of the day: You’re hanging out with your barn buddies, speaking that magical language of equestrian that no one at home will ever understand, and it hits you that you are among your people. That’s what Equestrians Anonymous is like, and here are the top five conversations going on right now:
1. “Help with Tying” (Training)
What do you suggest for a horse who has an occasional problem with tying? Forum user emilykate’s mare pulls back — but only rarely. Suggestions so far include ground-tying and the tie blocker ring. Have any experience to share?
2. “Keeping wounds clean” (Horse Health)
Forum user KariAM got a great surprise when she came back from an overseas trip: her horses had escaped in her absence, and one of them now has a puncture wound. What do you suggest for safe ways to keep the wound fly-free in the summer heat?
3. “Feeding Flax” (Horse Health)
Flax feeders of Horse Nation, unite! Forum user SBP buys her flax already ground, but it comes in a 50-pound bag and she wants advice on how best to store it so it stays fresh.
4. “Leasing My Horse” (Ask Anything)
Forum user foreverstarbuck1 is interested in leasing out her horse, and is looking for advice on what to include in a lease advertisement. Owners and lessees, please weigh in!
5. “Weirdest Thing You’ve Encountered On a Trail Ride?” (Endurance/Trail)
Whether or not you have a weird experience to contribute, give this post a read and you’ll be alternately laughing or feeling the hair stand up on the back of your neck! Horse Nation, we’ve seen things … we’ve seen things, man.
So what are you waiting for? Join any of these conversations, or start your own–we’re all crazy horse people here.
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