Best of Craigslist: Benefit of the Doubt Edition
We always try to give the seller the benefit of the doubt … but sometimes there’s just too much to doubt. Here’s the latest batch of “Best of Craigslist!”
Hey, it’s only fair that we TRY to figure out what these people were trying to say, right?
We’ll just jump right in with the most confusing ad of the week. We’re a little stumped as to what happened here, but we’ll just assume that this is a lovely horse with a case of mistaken identity … or something. This ad is courtesy of Bethany:
Good luck explaining that one over the phone. Then there’s this ad from Karen: “Proof reading could save this horse’s life! Apparently it’s “supper broke”, as in edible?!?!”
Oh boy. Hey, in defense of these next sellers, they’ve included plenty of photos of their “quartermile” horse. From Melanie:
it’s a quartermile horse just turned 3
he’s a stallion
he’s already been mounted a couple times.
very docile, friendly horse.
This next ad is fairly straightforward … but the photo has us chuckling. From Kayla: “I found them gem on the Facebook page ‘Florida Horse Trader.'”
Hey, the photo is cute. As opposed to this next selection, from Christina:
guarter horse mare for sale she is 6 years old no bad habbits good to be around fast learner she rides western . SHE IS NOT REGISTERED COGGINS IS UP TO DATE asking $1300 o.b.o reasonable offers only plz serious inquires only, i will be interested in trading her for a goat herd if interested call me at
Christina just keeps ’em coming: “The vast distance at which this horse must be viewed makes me wonder about how easy he is to catch.”
Male Quarter Horse Sale
6 Years old
Very friendly
Raised on a farm with other horses
This is a horse to ride.
I am asking $2200.00
And Christina’s last submission: “This one one comes with a built-in country-music song.”
Hey I have a very broke and sweet horse I got it for my girlfriend of two years and she left me for another guy so I have no reason to keep it. So if any questions just txt me my name is Cody I’m asking a 1000 obo thank you.
If anyone needs a budget, borderline antique trailer, we’ve got your hookup. From Lynn:
Two horse straight load trailer 1976
new floor and wiring
recently service brakes and wheel bearing pack
ugly paint
New tires
And we’ll conclude this week’s collection with yet another weird creative saddle ad, with a mysterious twist — from Susan:
Readers, if you run across an “interesting” ad in your Internet wanderings, send it our way! Email the link to [email protected]. Who knows – maybe you’ll help connect a horse with a safe, loving home. Go Riding.
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