Try Not to Be Mesmerized By This 3D Horse Art
Seriously, this artist’s skills are out of control.
We had to keep watching it before we believed it!
Drawing things in 3D has got to be one of the most fascinating feats to witness. You know those giant street paintings where it looks like a massive canyon has opened up in the middle of the pavement? I turn my head every which way trying to fathom how someone can pull that off. It’s incredible.
3D tattoos, too. Those are insane. Haven’t seen any? Take a look at a few here.
But now 3D horse art? Color me happy. I have probably watched this video about eight times, and will most likely rewind and play again as soon as I’m done writing this post.
I just have no concept of how to make something look like it’s three dimensional. It just makes no sense to me. Hence, why I am not a 3D artist, or any sort of artist for that matter. I think I’ll leave that up to this guy:
Yok Böyle Bir Çizim :OYok Böyle Bir Çizim :O
Posted by haberinbizden.com on Saturday, June 20, 2015
It’s mesmerizing, right? Welcome to the rest of your day, watching and re-watching this until you wonder where your work day went. You’re welcome!
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