Thursday Morning Feed from Fleeceworks
These Irish horses sure do know how to nap.
Summer days are often lazy, or at least we’d like them to be. I remember the days when there was no expectation other than to wake up at a leisure hour and head to the barn for the day. Those were the days!
The Irish National Stud posted this video of their yearlings catching some afternoon zzz’s, and we thought it was too precious to not share. Prepare for cute overload: (note — must be logged in to Facebook to view.)
Some of our yearlings having a lazy Sunday morning, can you hear the snores
Posted by Irish National Stud on Sunday, June 7, 2015
Adorable, right? If you turn your volume up, you can hear the snores of contentment. I think I’d gladly take any of these babies home with me if I were given the chance! This video reminded me of a video we posted not too long ago …. you may remember it:
Remind me not to show my horse this video — he may take it too literally!
Really, though, our horses work hard for us. They deserve a little bit of a break now and then. As long as they do it at an opportune time for us to capture it on video.
Go riding (if you can ever wake your horse up), and Go Fleeceworks!
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