Back on Track ‘Horse Therapy’: Amanda & DJ
Meet a horse who made the impossible possible.
Ever since I was little I have loved horses. My parents took me for lessons every week until I was 10 years old. At that point in my life something happened: I noticed I was having severe hip and knee pain. When I went to the doctors they told me both of my hips were out of place and I needed surgery. I now have two metal rods in both of my hips holding the ball and socket together. After the surgery, doctors said I would never ride again.
Three years to this day I started working at a boarding facility and met a wonderful gelding who was going to get me back in the saddle. His name was All The Towns Gold (aka DJ.) He was the first horse I got on after my surgery, but not my last. He helped me through the physical and mental pain of riding until he was euthanized last year. He was the horse that got me back on track to riding. I thank him every day I get in the saddle.
Here at Horse Nation, we believe that the best therapists are our own horses. We love sharing the stories of special equines and the lessons horses have taught us — email yours to [email protected] to be featured in an upcoming edition of Back on Track “Horse Therapy.” Go Back on Track, and Go Riding!
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