Tuesday Video From Dubarry: Meet the ‘Baby Buds’
Start your Tuesday off with an adorable glimpse at the next generation of Budweiser Clydesdales!
Guaranteed to be the cutest thing you’ll see today, grab a cup of coffee and get ready to squeal over this news feature that takes us on a little visit to Warm Springs Ranch, home of the Budweiser Clydesdales:
Awww … seeing the love that John Soto has for the Clydesdales makes that one commercial from a few Super Bowls back that much more heart-warming. Warm Springs Ranch offers walking tours of the Missouri-based farm, allowing visitors the chance to meet some of the handlers, see the harness up close and personal, check out antique equipment and meet the Clydesdales in person. The VIP tour takes visitors right into the pasture to interact with the gentle giants as well as take a private tour of the breeding and foaling barns.
Go riding!
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