Equestrians Anonymous: This Week’s Top 5 From the Forums
We’ll bring you the five best conversations from our forums each week. Check out Equestrians Anonymous and let your voice be heard!
If you haven’t been a regular on Horse Nation’s forum board Equestrians Anonymous, then you’re really missing out. Picture the tack room or the barn aisle at the end of the day: You’re hanging out with your barn buddies, speaking that magical language of equestrian that no one at home will ever understand, and it hits you that you are among your people. That’s what Equestrians Anonymous is like, and here are the top five conversations going on right now:
1. “What horsey books are you reading?” (Community Exchange)
Need a new read for the spring? Check out what your fellow Horse Nation-ers are reading right now. Recommendations range from horse-based fiction to biographies to non-horse-based fiction with horses playing a prominent role. Go reading!
2. “Introduce us to your horse(s)!” (Brag Board)
Stop in and ooh and ahh over your fellow forum users’ horses and then share descriptions and photos of your own! This is one subject on which everyone is an expert: your own horse.
3. “Who’s your ’15 Derby pick?” (Racing)
The Kentucky Derby is coming up — this weekend! Jump in on the discussion with your top pick (feel free to add photos of your epic Derby hats as well.)
4. “AQHA Outlaws Lip Chains” (Western)
Based on an article we published on Tuesday, join the discussion about whether or not the AQHA’s recent controversial ban of the lip chain in halter classes has merit or is totally out of line.
5. “Icing” (Other)
Forum user KariAM shared a recently-published article that claims that icing injuries (in humans) is not the end-all solution we used to think it was. Is this a legitimate argument? Does this carry over to icing our horses? Weigh in!
So what are you waiting for? Join any of these conversations, or start your own–we’re all crazy horse people here.
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