Monday Morning Feed From SmartPak: If Horses Were People, Picture Taking Edition Part II
SmartPak’s popular YouTube series is back with a brand new episode that further explains why your horse, as stunningly beautiful as he/she may be, will probably never make it as a supermodel.
We love this series, which perfectly illustrates just how strange and hilarious our horses are. And the latest edition is nothing short of genious.
From SmartPak: “As much as we love our horses, some of their behavior is a little…weird. Don’t think so? Just try to take a picture of your horse! Imagine if your best friend or co-worker acted like that? That’s exactly what we did, and we think you’ll like what we came up with!”
Look familiar?
We bet that one does.
Did you miss Part I? If you love the “If Horses Were People” series, you can view the entire collection on SmartPak’s YouTube playlist.
With free shipping daily, free return shipping on sized items and a 100% happiness guarantee, there’s more reasons than ever to love SmartPak! From supplements to rider apparel and tack and everything in between for the barn, our friends at SmartPak has got you covered.
Go SmartPak, and Go Riding!
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