‘Oh Crap’ Monday, Presented by Bimeda
Monday is the crappiest day of the week so it only makes sense that we make things official. Here’s our latest batch of reader-submitted “Oh Crap” photos — starting with this gem from Alice Hirst of Tasmania, Australia.

Alice Hirst: “This is me and my lovely 1* eventer Bandman! The 110cm bounce combination was a bit much for the poor soul! Both he and I were fine and I rode the same combination successfully on a different horse half an hour later.” Credit: Fetlock Photos

Margreta Flach: “With this mare, you either left the ring with a ribbon or sand in your breeches. No exceptions.”

Margaret Merrell: “Was at a horsemanship clinic going through an obstacle course and had him lined up and he moved two inches to the right and… bam. Only bruised both of us and cracked helmet.” Credit: Jim Camp Photography.

Jennifer Snyder: “This photo is from the first event I did with my young Friesian sporthorse gelding last summer. We didn’t have any water to practice on at home, so when we reached this obstacle on course I ‘gunned it’ and he launched. You can see how far he bunny-hopped from the bank. This photo was taken before a very large splash into very deep water! (but hey, no refusal, right?)”

Gretchen Jelinek: “This is my 9-year-old Peyton
getting bucked off her pony Belvedere at a show last summer. Something spooked him going down the line and he freaked! She was fine and forgave him:).”

Karyn Boulais: “Here is a shot of me and my TB going over the jump when I jumped ahead (obviously). I stayed on but begged him not to jump the next jump. Horse was awesome! Taken at Galway Downs Temecula fundraiser XC clinic, Jan 2014.”

C.J. Giacomini: “Here’s a photo of my OTTB Melo and I during our first side-saddle lesson. He decided to throw in a buck the first time I asked him to canter.”

Gretchen Zavarella: “I was only prepared to jump 3′ at the horse show, my OTTB had other ideas. I stayed on but it was not the “smoothest” trip I’ve had.”
Have an “Oh Crap” moment to share? Email your photo/video and a brief explanation of what is going down to [email protected].
Go forth and tackle your Monday, Horse Nation. Go Riding!
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