Britney Spears Takes BF Riding, Everyone Loses Their Minds
Clearly, it is a slow news day.
The madness began when Brit tweeted these photos of herself and boyfriend Charlie Ebersol (nice reindeer sweater!) on an equestrian-themed birthday outing.
Birthday horses for my birthday boy pic.twitter.com/KdzMH5TAeP
— Britney Spears (@britneyspears) December 31, 2014
At which point mass Internet speculation began.
And, if so, what does it mean?!?!?
I mean, like, they’ve only been dating for two months! Enter unsolicited Internet life advice.
Horse Nation’s official stance: You do you, Brit.
Also, love live the video for “Radar,” in which Britney Spears finds herself in a steamy love triangle involving two swarthy polo players:
Hat tip to Stephanie Heinsons. Go Riding.
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