HN Writers Share Their Equestrian New Year’s Resolutions
What are your horsey aspirations for 2015? We share ours and we want to hear yours as well!
Kristen Kovatch
In 2015, I resolve to be a better cowgirl, which includes a few sub-resolutions: ride more, of course, but remove some of the arbitrary goals and deadlines I set for myself in 2014 — what’s the rush when you’ve got nowhere to go? One goal that I’m choosing to keep alive is improving our roping, to aid in the running of the cattle farm where the horses live; I’ll also be working on developing to herding skills of my border collie Sage for the same end goal.
Carla Lake
My New Year’s resolution when it comes to horses is to join my local chapter of Horsemasters (Pony Club for grownups who missed out on it as kids). Arrested development? Maybe, but who cares — I’m looking forward to improving my riding skills and becoming an all-around better horseperson. I also want to volunteer more to assure that the kinds of events I like to attend will keep going in future years. I think I only volunteered at two horse-related events in 2014 — but I think once I get involved in the Pony Club world, they’ll figure out how to put me to work!
Oh and I want to make good use of my Christmas gifts 🙂
Morgane Schmidt
My new year’s resolution is to develop a better understanding of what constitutes a ‘need’ versus a ‘want’… particularly in regards to horse gear and tack. Also, I’m going to work on that whole concept of living/being in the moment; I’m often so focused on where I think I need to be and what I think I need to accomplish that I forget to appreciate where I currently am and what I’m currently doing. Sometimes I think you just need to take a deep breath and accept that you’re where you need to be for the moment.
Sally Spickard
My goal for the year is to take my time. I tend to get rushed and constantly feel like I’m not doing enough, and having a new green horse has made me even more aware of that. So, I’m going to make a goal to take my time to do things right. Who cares if my horse is not going Novice as a five-year-old when everyone else’s is? So our first event may be a Starter? That’s fine! I’m resolving to take a deep breath and try to enjoy the training process.
Amanda Uechi Ronan
My resolution is to start competing again. I took a few years off due to injuries as well as money/time constraints, but I’m ready to get back in the game!
Leslie Wylie
When it comes to riding (and life) I’ve always been a goal-oriented person who aims high and tends to achieve whatever it is I set my mind to. Grit, determination, perseverance…Â they’re all nice qualities, but in 2015 I’d like to throw some more lighthearted words into the mix: spontaneous, lackadaisical, free. My goal for 2015 is to have fewer goals and more fun. I want to spend less time drilling dressage movements and more time traipsing around the field bareback. If it’s rainy and cold and I don’t feel like riding, I want to be able to take the day off and not feel guilty about it. Horses can be a passion AND an escape!
What’s your equestrian New Year’s resolution? Share in the comments below!
Happy New Year from all of us here at Horse Nation. Go Riding!
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