George Morris Horsemastership Training Sessions: Day 3 Recap
“Don’t make a mistake, because then I’m in a bad mood.” –GM on early morning sessions after New Year’s Eve.
George was throwing down truth bombs like nobody’s business this morning, grilling students on body, hand, and stirrup position over a variety of fences including tough liverpool, oxer, and vertical combinations.
My favorite exercise: Repetitive figure eights over a gate fence.
George emphasized the need to “give” with your hands over the fence and “lift” the hands after landing, a quiet upper body, and ability to make a quick decision about your distance and stick. with. it.
New George-isms:
“There is not a bad distance. There is a difficult distance.”
“Position problems distract the horse, they disturb the horse.”
“The horse does the jumping, we accompany the horse.”
“You have to watch and see. You have to listen and hear.” – on being a good pupil.
“Make habits by always checking.”
“You’re the next spaceship to Mars!” – on taking a long spot.
“Get there, see the distance, do nothing.”
“Pace to the base!” – Because GM showed us the sign. It opened up my eyes, I saw the sign. Life is demanding without understanding… sorry… It had to be done. Happy New Year’s.
Go Riding!
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