One Chicago Teacher Needs Our Help, Horse Nation
Maggie Kendall needs our help to win a $100,000 grant that will expand her inner city school’s riding program.
Maggie’s profile on Farmers Insurance Thank A Million Teachers reads, “Chicago High School for Agriculture Sciences is home to Chicago’s only working farm and is the only viable location for an equestrian program for regular and special needs kids and adults. The school’s population comprises 13 percent special needs students and 50 percent of the families are below the poverty level. Currently, students can only ride outside and, with Chicago winter’s being what they are, this severely limits the time the students have with the specially-trained horses. If Kendall were to win the $100,000 grant, she’d help fund an indoor arena, which would not only extend the program year round but also offer more opportunities to special needs children and adults throughout the area.”
Two of Maggie’s students already won at the Special Olympics Illinois fall games in Rockford, Illinois last October. Shane Blake and Tom Shimoda were the first athletes from a Chicago public school to compete in the equestrian games. Blake also received the George Moore Award for Equestrian Rider of the Year at the event. “The award is definitely well deserved,” Kendall said to The Beverly Review. “Shane is at the barn seven days a week. He cleans the stalls, fills the buckets and rides twice a week for an hour at a time. He even comes in as a volunteer from 8 to noon every Saturday and Sunday. I can’t imagine Shane without the barn; he’s devastated if he can’t come.”
Chicago High School for Agricultural Sciences (CHSAS) students Tom Shimodo (second from left) and Shane Blake (second from right) and coach Maggie Kendall (third from right).
Here’s how to help:
–Go to Thank A Million Teachers
–Vote daily through Nov. 30 for North Central Finalist Maggie Kendall.
–Verify your vote by email.
Go Riding!
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