Best of Craigslist: ‘Oh No They Didn’t’ Edition
Today’s lineup: an appaloosa pony who should be sainted, a $65,000 Shetland pony, a seriously broke paint, “thourghbred stud” a match made in hell and — wait for it! — a “huge genital horse.”
Susanna sent us this ad with the note: “Found this little guy’s ad. I don’t have much to say, except I hope a better home gets him soon!”
Snoopy is 10 years old, around 40″ tall. We have rode this little gelding everywhere you can ride a big horse. He’s very gentle and easy to catch. The kids have took him swimming in the pond. They have rode him down the roads and in the woods. We have even lead little bitty kids around on him. He will lope off and stop good bigger kids have really rode him hard, he’s pretty broke for a pony.
You can’t see it in the photos but I’m pretty sure that pony has a halo. Speaking of ponies, Leah sent us this one from EquineNow.com: “I love the questionable grammar, clearly accidental price, and incongruous photo. It’s the full package!”
Advertising at its finest. Here’s another ad that leaves much to the imagination, from Jeaniene:
The next one is from Theresa — well broke, indeed!
WHY?!?!?!? This poster of this ad won’t be winning any spelling bees anytime soon:
Casey sent us this one for a yearling that’s for sale because things weren’t working out with its owner, a 9-year-old kid — surprise, surprise!
And now, the grand finale from reader Ella:
Readers, if you run across an “interesting” ad in your Internet wanderings, send it our way! Email the link to [email protected]. Who knows – maybe you’ll help connect a horse with a safe, loving home. Go Riding.
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