Jane Savoie Learns a Thing or Two From a Fake Horse
The equine equivalent of a treadmill looks a little funny…but it can help with everything from equitation to endurance.
Top image: Youtube/janesavoie
I remember Thanksgivings at a family friend’s house–their kids had one of those rocking horses on springs, and I was OBSESSED with it. I posted on it. I practiced my two-point on it. I galloped that thing till I practically tipped it over.
Well, turns out I was just ahead of my time, because now there are life-size mechanical horses used for everything from jockey training to therapeutic riding. They don’t get tired, they don’t buck, bolt, or rear, and some models even jump. Some of the most well-known brands are Frankie Lovato Jr.’s Equicizer:

[Youtube: Frankie Lovato Jr.]
And Racewood Equestrian Simulators in the UK:

[Youtube: Racewoodltd]
Even dressage riders like Jane Savoie are joining the trend–and finding some surprising insights about their riding that might not be so obvious on a live horse. Check out Jane Savoie’s lesson on “Rocky Lovato” to get a taste of what it’s like to ride the Equicizer:
Unfortunately, the most basic Equicizer model will set you back about $3000, and the Racewood models range from 1000 GBP (about $1700 USD) for a racehorse simulator to 55,000 GBP (about $92,300 USD) for a jumping simulator. But a simulator doesn’t need to be board or shod, and you don’t have to muck its stall. Hmm…so really it’s like you’re saving money. Perfect!
Go Riding!
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