#TBT: 10 Crazy Analogies Instructors Make
Has your instructor ever tried to explain something in a way that seems totally insane, but then kind of sort of makes sense? Yep, ours too.
Riding instructors have a difficult task on their hands—how can you possibly explain in words how to develop your feel, when a student is bouncing around like a sack of potatoes? With awesome analogies, that’s how. We’ve collected a few old standbys…plus some more creative ones you may not have heard.
Squeeze like a tube of toothpaste!
Put your ears behind your shoulders.
Get those back legs moving! Fluff him up!
Ladies, point your headlights where you want to go.
Imagine a thread is pulling you up to the sky.
Imagine there’s a triangle between your shoulders pointing down to the saddle.
Imagine someone cracked an egg on your head.
Shoulders like a princess, hips like a harlot.
Open your chest.
Point your hips like laser beams where you want to go.
It’s no wonder we still need lessons.
What’s the strangest way your instructor has ever tried to explain something? Did it work?
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