Monday Morning Feed from SmartPak

SmartPak only offers, like, a million different supplements. Need help narrowing things down? SmartPak to the rescue!

Introducing SmartSelector:


The SmartSelector even gives you different supplement plan options so you can pick the one that best suits your budget.

Added bonuses of using SmartPaks:

-Your supplements show up in the mail reliably, once a month. That translates into less time spent running to the feed store to replenish supplements as they run out. (And they NEVER run out at the same time, trust me.)

-All SmartPaks over $40 always receive free ground shipping.

-Whether you feed your own horses or they live at a boarding facility, the pre-packaged supplements are SO much faster to dispense (and more mistake-proof!) than doling out supplements one at a time from supplement buckets.

-If you need something else for around the barn, from fly-spray to a new bridle or new breeches, you can simply add it to your SmartPak order.

(Why do people say that? Who thinks making a pie is easy? Not me.)

Anyway, choosing and ordering the perfect SmartPak really IS easy. Maybe they should change the saying to “Easy As SmartPak”?

Just sayin’.

Go SmartPak, and Go Riding!


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