Shake’n Fork™ ‘Oh Crap’ Moment of the Day
Brain farts can be costly, as these jockeys learned the hard way! Presented by our mucking fabulous sponsor Equi-Tee Mfg™.
In this video of a 2002 race in Melbourne, Australian jockey Rhys McLeod “goes for home” despite there still being another lap to run. Needless to say, his mount Mystic Outlaw finished 72 lengths behind and the jockey incurred a lengthy suspension. Oh crap is right!
You’re not alone, Rhys! In this 2004 face, the 17/8-mile Hasta la Vista Handicap at Turf Paradise in Arizona, jockey Jorge Carreno also forgets that the race requires two full circuits around the track, rather than one, and begins his drive for the finish nearly a mile early.
This steeplechase jockey made a similar blunder, mistakenly believing he’d won the race when in fact he hadn’t yet made it to the finish line.
Do you have an “Oh Crap” moment you’d like to share with hundreds of Horse Nation readers? (We’ll laughing with you, not AT you–promise!) Email your photo or video link to [email protected] and be sure to include a brief description of what happened!
When the manure hits the fan, only the best will do. Shake’n Fork™, by Equi-Tee Mfg.™, cleans up any mess your horse could leave with swiftness and ease thanks to its effortless auto-sifting action. Learn more about Shake’n Fork and other Equi-Tee products by clicking the link below!
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