Dear SmartPak: What do western riders want most?
Relief from flies, sound legs, strong muscles… and you’ll just have to read the rest of SmartPak’s “Top 10 Western Customer Favorites” to find out.
From the SmartPak Blog:
Every month, we tally our customer reviews from western riders like you to find our customers’ favorite products. With 74,000+ reviews, we think it’s hard to beat the insight from our own customers. Check out this month’s Top-10 Western Products to find some great picks for you and your horse.

#1 Big D Nylon Mesh Fly Sheet
What We Say: The Big D Nylon Mesh Fly Sheet does a great job of protecting your horse from flies and dirt. Ideal for warm weather, your horse will stay cool and clean in the barn without sweating.
What Western Riders Say: “I love this fly sheet from Big D. I use it on my gelding at horse shows during the summer to keep him clean when it’s too warm for nylon sheets. It was 95 degrees out and he wasn’t sweating with this sheet on!” – Deezel

#2 Wilker’s Combo-Quilt Wraps
What We Say: These Wilker’s Combo-Quilt Wraps are the best! They stay put, last FOREVER and offer great support. 50/50 broadcloth top with 100% cotton flannel underside, quilted over ½” foam. Packaged in pairs.
What Western Riders Say: “As a Graduate Pony Clubber, I know the importance of having good quality pillows and bandages for wrapping horses. These are TRULY the best that are available!! They aren’t bulky to wrap and since they’re longer than the average pillow, they provide enough padding for shipping bandages without getting too much padding in one layer. When you add in the color choices and the embroidery options you can make them really custom without spending a ton on something that your horse is going to potentially tear up. I also love the embroidery option because it keeps them from accidentally wandering off when you’re at a horse show.” – RhovannyStables

#3 SmartMuscle® Mass
What We Say: Is your conditioning program coming up short? Lean muscle development requires the right support! SmartMuscle Mass provides 12 amino acids as the building blocks of muscle tissue. Gamma Oryzanol, Creatine, HMB, Collagen, Betaine and other targeted ingredients are also included to assist the normal muscle-building process. Strong, defined muscles start with SmartMuscle Mass!
What Western Riders Say: “SmartPaks are so easy and my horse LOVES them! I can see a difference in the development of his muscles in a little over a month!!!”
– CanChaser045
Find out which other products made the cut by visiting the SmartPak Blog.
Go SmartPak!
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