SmartPak Video du Jour: The ‘Dressage Finger’
The folks at SmartPak have done it again. Check out their July 4 Sale, and their latest video masterpiece!!
From John:
Foam dressage fingers are all the rage these days after their world-famous appearance on the Colbert Report from the USEF Dressage National Championships. SmartPak’s latest brilliant video features a bit of a misunderstanding about what a “dressage finger” is. Make sure to always wave the correct dressage finger by shopping at SmartPak today and getting a free finger with any order. Click here for the promo code and click here to shop at SmartPak’s July 4th sale, featuring 10% off and free shipping.
As always, many thanks to SmartPak for their partnership and be sure to support EN & HN by supporting SmartPak. Go SmartPak.
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