Tales from a City Slicker: Part II

Megan Kaiser wraps up her two-part story on a cattle drive “vacation” (term used very loosely) with a synopsis of her newly acquired cowgirl wisdom. If you missed Part I yesterday, read it here.

From Megan:

What I learned on my cattle drive:

Roping is really hard–and that was on the ground with a fake cow head stuck in a bale.  I’m pretty sure any roping I’ve seen on TV or in the movie is computer generated.  That’s why it’s called trick roping.

I know why they call it Big Sky Country.  We went to the top of a hill/mountain and you could see forever.  Someone asked how often people are up there and we were informed that no one had been up there for probably a year or so–so cool.

My idea of camping really is the Best Western.  I did it; I slept on the ground while there was some sort of grasshopper convention being held in the tent, I’m not sure how, but I did it.

Border collies don’t get tired.  They would ride out with us for six hours then play fetch for another hour or two when we got back to camp–no wonder they don’t do well in apartments.

A cold beer does taste best after a long hot day in the saddle working the cows.  Normally I’m a wine girl, but a nice dry glass of Malbec won’t cut it in the wilds of Montana.

True cattle dogs know who the tourists are and don’t listen to them when asked to “get’em’up” (i.e. get that cow moving by barking and nipping at their heels)–they would just look at us the roll their eyes and go off to find their real master.

Bathing in streams does work but only if that is how everyone one around you is also bathing–you do get cleaner, but I wouldn’t recommend it before you come into the office.

Spending a lot of time riding without stirrups does pay off when you plan to ride for six or seven hours a day–I wasn’t sore one bit.  My guy at home did think I was nuts as he trotted around endlessly while I prepared myself, but I rode every day of the trip.  I took no days off for “fishing”  (yeah right, I know you were napping, not fishing) and could walk when we got back to camp–not everyone on the trip can say that.

They do post when riding western–at least when they ride it all day.

True cowboys don’t have sparkly things on their hats–no matter what the guy at the western tack store says, it’s a dead giveaway.  Nor do they put a plastic cover on their hat when it rains.

I will never get rid of the pair of chaps I brought on the trip–they branded them for me–how cool!

Billy Crystal was right: the theme to Bonanza sounds best if you are singing it at the top of your lungs while galloping along with your friends (watch City Slickers if you haven’t seen it–feel free to skip City Slickers 2).

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