We may be in the grips of winter (even in places where winter typically doesn’t *really* exist), but it’s never too early to start thinking about what should be in your trailer once you’re ready to hit the road again. →
The definition of Volatile. →
“The fear of getting hurt isn’t always something you can just get someone to kick on through, no matter how much you believe they and the horse can do what is being asked.” →
The U.S. Polo Association says it best in their caption, “The disco polo pony has entered the building!” →
On Mythbuster Monday, we tackle a variety of equestrian myths to either bust or confirm. Today’s discussion: Should horses be stalled if they have Asthma? →
This is horse is going out as hot as he’s coming in. →
Grooming your horse in the cold season poses plenty of unique challenges since you (usually) can’t actually bathe your horse. That’s why SmartPak offers up these winter grooming must-haves. →
Or New Year, New Breeches? →
The best way to keep a horse warm varies from horse to horse and situation to situation. But here are some helpful tips and general guidelines. →
Ponies are a handful and this video shows it! →
The Plaza Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas is offering up free stalls to any horses that need to be temporarily rehomed due to the California wildfires. →
Winter is here! We’re happy to see some equestrians making the best of it. →
“[S]ometimes what the horse needs gets lost to the cultural expectations of what makes up a proper ride.” →
Winter is currently Wintering hard. →
As the wildfires in Los Angeles, CA continue to burn, several outposts for assistance have been set up to aid those affected and animal welfare organizations are seeking donations to assist as many animals as possible. →