SmartPak Monday Morning Feed: ‘Ask the Vet,’ March Edition

SmartPaker Sarah and SmartPak Medical Director Dr. Lydia Gray are back with another round of fan-submitted horse health questions, and this video’s chock-full of great information!

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Even if you have the healthiest horse in the world (wouldn’t it be nice?) it certainly never hurts to expand your equine knowledge — and our friends at SmartPak agree. Each month, SmartPak releases another “Ask the Vet” video, featuring SmartPaker Sarah and SmartPak Medical Director Dr. Lydia Gray, and the dynamic duo answers fan-submitted questions about horse health. The questions are always varied and the answers are always informative!

This month, Sarah and Dr. Lydia are tackling the following questions:

1. I recently discovered that my horse has ringbone. He is on a joint supplement for now but what else can you do to treat and prevent ringbone? What exactly is it and how long until I will see the side effects? I am in close contact with my vet, as well. My horse is a 4 year old OTTB gelding.

2. How would you design a conditioning plan for a horse coming out of winter who was ridden regularly and isn’t very overweight?

3. My horse recently colicked with an impaction in her small intestine. For several days before the colic, she was sensitive in grooming on her upper left loin. Is it possible for an impaction to build up over a period of time?

4. With this time of year comes lots of mud and generally wet weather. What is the best way to prevent thrush, scratches and other diseases that come with spring?

5. I have an older horse (20+) and he has recently started choking, he is now considered a chronic choker. I have had to get him tubed twice by the vet, and now we have to soak his food in half a bucket of water. We think it is due to him just getting too excited about his food. My vet recommended soaking his food or taking him off grain (grain is the only thing he chokes on). Do you have any other ways of dealing with it? And can you explain why it is easier for a horse to choke after they have done it once already?

Sound interesting? Check out the responses:

Want to submit your own question for next month? Comment on this video (via YouTube, not here at Horse Nation) and tag your question #AskTheVet. You can also post your questions on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram — don’t forget the hashtag! Questions can be submitted directly via [email protected].

Bonus: if your question is selected, you win a SmartPak gift card!

Go riding.

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