Runners and Riders Unite!

Over the past week we’ve been profiling some lesser-known horse sports that combine riding with other athletic endeavors, like gymnastics and archery. Today Breanne Long tells us about the sport of Ride & Tie, which merges riding and running.

From Breanne:

Basically there are two team members and one horse. The people take turns riding and running. There’s some strategy involved as far as who is the better rider and how long to ride versus run. Person A might start riding, go a certain distance, dismount and tie the horse along the trail, then run ahead. Soon Person B will run to the point that the horse is tied, mount, and eventually overtake Person A on foot. Person B will then dismount, tie the horse, and continue running. And so on and so forth until you get to the finish line.

From the description and pictures some of the horses get “decorated” rather elaborately so the runners can pick out their horse from many that may be tied close together.

For more information, visit the Ride & Tie association website

[victoria ordway]

[Joe VanDerZanden]


Go Riding.

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