Hamburger! We have a German translator in the house

Since HN’s German fluency is limited to the words “lager” and “Oktoberfest,” we had difficulty earlier today translating the newspaper that carried the Totilas report. Then we got this email:


My name is Julia. I am a sophomore in High School somewhere in Kansas. I have been riding for eleven years, and currently compete in eventing with my mare Kindra, as well as being an HB in Pony Club. I recently saw on Horse Nation that you were looking for a German translator. In addition to being a horse-crazy high schooler, I am a citizen of Germany. I was born in the US, but my father emigrated here when he was in his twenties. I was raised in a bilingual household, and am fluent in German. To give you an example of my skills, I found the original article about Totilas that was featured on your website. Here are a few literal translations.

“Wir denken nicht daran, Totilas zu verkaufen, das ist lächerlich.”

We wouldn’t think about selling Totilas, that is laughable.

“Die Summe müsste völlig verrückt sein. Aber jeder, der unsere Familie und meine Frau kennt, der weiß, dass wir nie ein Pferd verkaufen. Totilas bleibt unverkäuflich und wird kein Österreicher.”

The sum (sales price) would have to be totally crazy. Everyone, who knows my family and my wife knows that we would never sell a horse. Totilas remains unsellable and will not become an Austrian.

“Gal ist schon seit Monaten hinter Totilas her und will ihn auf Biegen und Brechen zurück. Aber warum wurde dann das Pferd an uns verkauft, nur wegen der Provisionen? Ich empfinde das Interesse als Störfeuer.”

Gal has been after Totilas for months, and wants him for bending and breaking back. (That is a German proverb that translates into “by hook or by crook”). But why did they sell the horse to us then, only for the commission? I feel that this interest is just fanning the flames.

I hope that this is sufficient, and look forward to hearing back from you.



Wow, Julia, you’re hired! Now, I just need you to teach me how to ride dressage.


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