DIY Nation: Turn Your Feed/Tack Room Door into a Handy Chalkboard

It’s easy! Lindsay Rausch shows us how.

From Lindsay:

In a recent home remodel we turned the pantry door into a chalkboard. Which got me to thinking… this would also work great in the barn for the tack or feed room doors for all of those important notes that you don’t want to forget. Feed notes (“Orion only gets breakfast if he has finished his dinner feed,” etc.), to-do lists, blanketing charts, lesson schedules… the possibilities are endless.


The process for the door was pretty simple. We bought a primed door and a quart of Rustolium’s chalkboard paint. The directions say that a roller will give the best finish, but with my small areas I opted for a soft synthetic brush.


I painted the white outside of the door and the center with the chalkboard paint. I found that it took two coats of chalkboard paint to get a nice finish. I then masked off the black and put a blue frame on the chalkboard.

My husband made sure that the top and bottom panels worked and had a little fun in the process.


Be sure to follow the instructions on the can to condition the board by rubbing a piece of chalk on edge over the entire board and then wiping it clean. This really does help the board to wipe clean.

For more details on this project visit

About the Author: Lindsay learned to ride as a kid from her mom who had been a trainer and horsemanship instructor in a previous life. Lindsay and her husband own a 10.5 acre hobby farm and keep a few cows and are making room for horses on the property. The work on the farm is almost exclusively been done by the two of them from remodeling the old farm house, installing fencing and making a small campsite for friends and family. There are many projects that they have done that can be of benefit to the horse nation; for other non-farm/horse projects you can follow her at



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